Publiés en 2023


Internet Artifacts

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Software engineering is about thinking, not typing | Organizing Chaos

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A Visual Comparison of Different National Layouts on a Computer Keyboard.

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It's okay to Make Something Nobody Wants

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Confirmed: The iPhone 15 is the most affordable iPhone since 2007

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Adactio: Journal—Multi-page web apps

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Forcer iMessage à fonctionner avec WhatsApp : Apple s'oppose à l'Europe - Numerama

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Google a développé une clé FIDO2 résistante à l'informatique quantique

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Disaster Lessons by Anoop Dixith

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Google Chrome will summarize entire articles for you with built-in generative AI - The Verge

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Tailwind, and the death of web craftsmanship

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A brief history of computers — LessWrong

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